Classes taught by Dr. Oaks at the University of Rhode Island:


Global Nutrition (NFS 524)

This graduate course focuses on the global distribution, etiology, and consequences of nutrition problems, ranging from undernutrition and food insecurity to overweight and chronic diseases. Students explore underlying social and behavioral factors and possible intervention programs. Using a public health lens, students will examine current issues in global nutrition and place U.S. nutrition issues in a global context.


Micronutrient Nutrition (NFS 441)

Through a human metabolism framework, this course focuses on how micronutrients are utilized in the body and the implications of these biochemical reactions. The course emphasizes how to use a biochemical understanding of micronutrients in clinical settings, community and global health, and nutrition consulting, as well as everyday conversations. Micronutrient Nutrition complements Macronutrient Nutrition (NFS 440), which focuses on proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The combination of these two courses provide a strong foundation in advanced nutritional biology for the major in Nutrition and Dietetics at University of Rhode Island.

General Nutrition (NFS 207)

This course reviews the fundamental concepts of nutrition from a scientific perspective with application to the individual, community, and world. Throughout this course, our goal is for students to 1) identify dietary sources, intake levels, physiological roles, and requirements of major nutrients, 2) describe how major nutrients are digested, absorbed, and metabolized, and 3) integrate and apply nutrition to address challenges in health and disease.